Yes, Ladies and Gentlemen---Sorry Canada--but Lord Stanley's Cup is taking the ice in just a moment! This is one of the single coolest moments in sports--any sport--the Stanley Cup is magic. It's carries the names of every man who has ever won it--it IS Hockey!!
I'm not an Anaheim Duck fan--never have been--and again Canada--I apologize--but when it's my country against any other--I vote for my country! We are Chicago Blackhawk and Phoenix Coyote fans in this house--and so it's nice to see some of the players that have played for the teams that we've seen--Go Ducks!!
Congrats to the Neidemyer brothers--how awesome was that handoff--one brother to another--is that a first in hockey history? When I was a single lady--my friend and I were walking across the street from work, when out of the back of some truck--came the Turner Cup. The Utah Grizzlies had won the Turner Cup--and it was being taken to a bar to celebrate. My husband is tremendously jealous that I've touched the Turner Cup--it actually didn't mean much at the moment. But it soooooo would be awesome now!
Did you know there was a "Keeper Of The Cup"? A man actually has the job to travel with the Stanley Cup. Each person on the winning team get to spend 24 hours with the cup. They can do anything they want to with it--but with it--comes the Keeper. I'm not sure he stays at the Players house--but he is supposed to be with the cup at all times. My husband's friend John used to be the General Manager of Air Canada. The Cup was sent down through security, and away from the Keeper. We have a picture of John with the cup hoisted above his head, making off with it! I think I'll need to find that photo and post it too!
Senators--congrats for making it--and like our Bears losing the Superbowl--we really do know how you feel!!
This is ice hockey? Sorry, it's not popular in Malaysia because there is no ice here. But congrats all the same!
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