Saturday, July 21, 2007

Can Anyone Tell Me...

Yesterday I had to take our dog Bear in to be put down. It was a very hard decision that even 24 hours later--I'm regretting. Here's my problem...We had two dogs, Bear and Brownie. Bear was 3 when we brought Brownie home as a puppy, and she grew up with him as a constant companion. Yesterday she was asleep in the playroom and I told her to go say goodbye to Bear Bear--which amazingly enough--she did. Shortly thereafter I took Bear to the vet. When I came home Brownie was very different! She didn't greet me at the door, she just lay on my bed. So I went to greet her and get some comfort "lovin' on her". As soon as I was finished petting and snuggling her-she jumped down and went back to lay down in the toy room. She never came back out to greet me. We left to a Harry Potter party for a few hours and again, there was no greeting when we got home--for me. The kids got the tail wagging and interest, but she turned back around when she saw me and headed back to the toy room. When my husband came home, she was thrilled. Jumping up on him, tail wagging--the normal Brownie. Last night she snuggled up next to him (usually it's me) and this morning I went into the kids room where she was, and sat down on the bed--she hopped down and went and laid at the door with her back to me!

So here is my question...

Has anyone had this happen to them? She's obviously not happy with me at the moment, probably lonely---but holy cow--she's literally showing signs that she's very aware of what I did, and she's mad at me! But she's a dog--is this possible? According to the Dog Whisperer--Caesar says they live in the moment without too much thought of the past--I'm not so sure at this moment in time. I've decided to give her her space until she wants to be friends again--but now it's like I've lost two dogs instead of just the one that I really am mourning over!!


Anonymous said...

You took her buddy away and did not bring him back. That is all she knows. Just give her extra attention and she will forgive you.

I am sorry you had to put Bear down. That is always a horrible decision to have to make. My dog is 12-13 years old and starting to have problems.

Anonymous said...

I think the Dog Whisperer has a lot of good information, but I don't agree that dogs don't give too much thought about the past. For example, when I go to a friends home that I haven't seen in a month, her dogs recognize me every time. I can think of many more instances, but I hope that explained what I meant.

I agree that Brownie is probably mad at you because you took away her buddy, her brother. She doesn't understand why, she just knows that you are the reason that Bear isn't there any more.
From personal experience, I can say that this is challenging, but it does get better. She is grieving in her way, just as you are. Keep loving her, and she'll forgive you soon enough.


Karen said...

I'm so sorry this has happened. I'm sure she will forgive you.