Friday, August 10, 2007

Last Day!!

Today is the last day of camp. That means that my kids will be home all next week, and two days the next week. Then school starts. I can't believe that the summer is over--it feels like it just started. It's been a good summer, tons of things have changed! We are moving--new house, new ward, new school, new everything. It still seems like it's forever off-but it really is only 3 weeks! We will spend the next week packing--and getting the final supplies needed for the school year as well as registering them in their new school. It's an exciting time--but sad at the same time! My kids have roots here--but they will be far happier with a bit more room in their lives--so it will be good!


Anonymous said...

I know exactly what you mean about the summer FLYING by! I can't believe it's almost time for school to begin again!

It does, indeed, sound like a very busy and exciting time in you and your family's life. Good luck and have fun! :)