Saturday, November 25, 2006

10 Years!!

Last weekend the hubby and I celebrated 10 years together! Amazing how fast it has gone--yet, I can hardly remember my life without him or my children. The 10 year anniversary's theme is Tin, Aluminum and Diamond Jewelry. So I found my husband a decorative tin (decorated with a diamond pattern) filled it with his favorite sugar cookies and Hershey's Kisses wrapped in...what else...aluminum!! Yep, I covered all of my bases with this one!!

I got (no lie) a water filter for our faucet! You may think...Oh my heavens, HE DIDN'T!! But yes, he did, and honestly--it was what I had asked for! We had gotten one from his parents right after we got married. We were living in a city where the water from the faucet was undrinkable--so they gave us a Brita filter to help. It was amazing how much it helped! And that baby was awesome! It moved with us from Utah to Arizona, and again on our move from Arizona to Chicago. Sturdy little monster too!! But alas, 10 years was all it could muster in our family of 6, and on Tuesday, November 21, at just past 10 am, it filtered it's last!! Unfortunately, funeral arrangements were thrown out the window as I fretted about where to get a new one, and how fast I could get it here! Funny how you learn to rely on these puppies!!!

Hubby saved the day!