Well, here is my Demon child! Darling? Yes! Adored? Yes! Monster Mess Maker? OH YEAH!!! This is Bugs favorite pastime! He climbs up on the piano, sits next to all of their scrapbooks, and then plays the piano with his feet! He is very talented and comes up with many new and "painfully" interesting chord concoctions!! Yes, those are all of the kids scrapbooks behind him, and I'm terribly behind! MJ has the first 6 (3 with cover pictures, and 3 without) and he is 9. DG makes up the following 4 (2 with cover pictures and 2 without) and he is 6. Girlie has 3 (2 with cover pictures and 1 without) and she is nearly 4. Sadly Bug is the last book--with NO cover pictures, and he is nearly 2! So there is a huge weight on my shoulders to get them caught up!!!
Bug will be turning 2 on the 26th of October. He is so far getting a Sweet Baby Rays BBQ restaurant t-shirt. I'm going really light on the gift giving this year. He may get a big boy bed and forever leave the world of the crib--I will finally get to give it away--YEAH!! 9 years and 4 babies later--this family will be crib-less!!
He is also attempting to potty train himself! I say himself, as I have no intention of helping him with this! In the first place--he's very young, but even more importantly--I just paid $30 bucks for a big 'ol box of pampers, and there are a bunch left. I'm too thrifty to let those go to waste!! He will take his diaper off and come up to me and say, "Mama, boop"! So I tell him to go get his potty chair. He climbs up, sits for mere seconds, climbs down very pleased with himself and poops on the floor right next to the toilet!!! So until we actually learn to "take care of business" while in the sitting position--there will be no potty training help happening here!!!
As far as his messes go--he has flooded my house 2 days in a row! He has climbed up on the toilet and turned the faucet on in the bathroom. The first day it was the hot water and no one realized that he had done it. I left the house to take Girlie to school and to run an errand. An hour later I returned home to a flooded bathroom, kitchen, and both bedrooms for the kids. It was awful! 24 hours later I was smart and chain locked the door between the kitchen and the family room. Well, DG went into the kitchen for something and was unaware that Bug had followed him in. Bug turned on the cold water this time, and then left the room with DG. About an hour later--I walked in to find a flooded bathroom, kitchen and both kids rooms! NIGHTMARE!!! So now there are 4 bushels of sopping wet laundry that must be washed in bleach and I'm way tooooooooooooooooo tired to even try to do it!!
Yes, that baby is darling, sweet, and loved--but oh my heavens, there is a demonic streak in there somewhere!!!
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