After Gladys Knight joined the church my mom was telling me about a book that she had gotten my dad for Christmas. It was called--"Why I Believe", and it is a compilation of testimonies written by influential members of the Church. J. Willard Marriott, Gladys Knight, Steven Covey and Andy Reid. What---who was that??? I had had NO IDEA up to that point that the Head Coach of my favorite team was a member of my church!! So now--I had yet another "member" to support!
My Eagles have done amazing things in the last couple of years! I finally got to watch my team in the Super Bowl. They didn't win--but they were THERE!!! Right now, they are leading by 1 point against the New Orleans Saints. GOOOOOOOO EAGLES!! And if they win--they will come head to head with my husbands LIFELONG favorite--The Bears!! I have been voting for the Bears all season long, mainly because my Eagles looked so bad and had no way of making to the playoffs (or so I thought), but now---I'm going to have to face the fire!
We lived in Utah during MANY Jazz/Bulls Finals--where the Bulls always pulled out the win in the end. So NO victory parade. We lived in Phoenix when my Arizona Diamondbacks won the World Series! I soooooo wanted to go to the victory parade, but with 2 little boys and doing day care for many families--I couldn't get there! We lived in Chicago when the White Sox won the World Series--but I WASN'T crazy enough to head to the South Side with 4 little kids!! So no victory parade then either! So here I am---Voting for my Eagles to take it all, but hoping for the Bears to come out with another Super Bowl Shuffle, and bring me one more chance for a Victory Parade! I'm sure either my husband or a member of his family would go with me!!!
Nah!!! GO EAGLES!!!!
too bad the darn game could not end after the 3rd quarter. The Iggles would still be playing
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