Ok-I was over on Julie's Blog watching the Super Bowl Shuffle from 1985! I'm amazed it was that long ago! I was in Jr. High School and Friday Night Video's were something that I LIVED for! It's kind of funny--I was on Julie's Blog over the holidays watching the Band Aid video for Feed The World--I think Julie and I must be the same age--since we have the same memories in music!
Anyway--she had an M&M all pimped out, so I stole it from her!! Of course, I went all out and totally "Bear'd" mine up! But hey, she looks festive!
Something cool they were showing on the news--all of the buildings down town have their lights done in Blue and Orange, and then the skyscrapers have all of their office lights off, except for a certain ones--and they spell out things like 'Da Bears on one, and Bears on another. It made me want to drive downtown to see it!
I am an Eagles fan--but since they were out--I was voting for a Chicago/Colts Super Bowl. I know everyone was voting for the Saints as the "Bleeding Heart" underdog--but I wasn't! There was so much liberal crap flung around during the aftermath of Katrina--that I stopped championing New Orleans at all! Now--Mississippi -- still cheering for them and their recovery--they are doing it right!! I know--that makes me a "BAD" person--but hey, you can't always help how you feel!!
Go Bears!!!!! If we win, Chicago will go nuts!
That's a GREAT one! LOL!
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