Sunday, February 04, 2007

Today Is The Day!!

The excitement in the area is palpable! It is seething out of every business, every bar, every restaurant--every house, and YES---EVERY PERSON! Bears fever has hit! I'm amazed! I remember their last Superbowl. I was not in the Chicago area--I was in Utah, and I was 14 years old. My little brother was a die hard Bears fan--I wasn't--my team was the Jets. But once the Superbowl Shuffle came out--I immediately changed my vote! I loved that thing--still have every part memorized 21 years later! What a change to be in the city for this one!!

All of the "hide your head" Bears fans have crept out of the woodwork, and are standing tall! I looked for some Bears sweatshirts for my kids to wear to school tomorrow for "Bear Down Bears" day--and they DON'T EXIST!! Can you believe it--there isn't a shirt to be had in Target, Walmart, Walgreens, Jewel!! No where! My husband finally found t-shirts at a corner 'tent' selling Bears stuff. Hey--beggars can't be choosers. So we at least have T-shirts! We are heading over to the in laws to have my Grayson's 7th birthday dinner. We will be on an airplane on his birthday, so we have to do it early. Then I have a TON of munchies for game time! My kids are so excited! My son is a "Regular" Colts fan--but the vibe has got him switched for now! He'll be a Bears fan until Tuesday--when normalcy will flip back in! A--we'll be on a plane for Arizona, and B--if they win, the victory parade will be Tuesday and we'll miss that--so by the time we get home--Bears Fever will have subsided and my Colts fan will be back!

Interesting bit of info--Chicago area schools are closed on Tuesday--planning on a parade--but even if there isn't one--No School!! Sadly--we aren't a Chicago school--so it doesn't affect us!