After taking pictures of the neighborhood the other day--I thought I would spend some time getting our yard in order. I HATE yardwork. Everything about it--dirt is NOT my friend!! But I thought it would be nice to get rid of the weeds in the flower box and plant some Pansies. The Tulips are just starting to peek over the soil--but are completely camouflaged by all of the thick green weeds around them. You can see the flowerpot filled with cement buried--I always see it and wondered why we leave it there--it's obviously trash. Well, today--I went in to take it out-and it's covering a hole. You know-like the one Baby Jessica fell down. So I put it back in place and buried it. I also removed the block under the rain gutter, so that the water could actually exit the spout!
The kids all helped. The boys helped me pull all of the weeds, and then enjoyed digging for bugs. Blakelynn had fun digging the holes for the new flowers. We were filthy--and hungry--but it looks so much nicer now! I put in two Boxelder bushes, and lots of multi colored pansies. There are even 2 new baskets in pedastools on either side of the front steps! It's so much more fun to come home and see them all!
I Love your house! What year is it? Tons of character!!
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