Friday, April 17, 2009


Today is Friday! That would normally mean Pizza Night--but we had pizza last night. We stopped at Little Caesar's for their "Hot & Ready" $5.00 pizza--but let me just say--they were neither Hot--nor Ready!! I'm not sure we will ever go back, to that one at least! When I was in High School I worked at Little Caesar's. That was back when they were pretty new--they had the best sandwiches--and their Pan Pan pizza was fabulous. They don't do any of that anymore! Too bad!

Every Friday night we have Pizza and watch a movie with homemade popcorn. It's just a fun tradition--so we may have to have Pizza Bread (how to's to follow on Cheffin'It!) I'll have to see what movies are available on Pay Per View--and we will 'veg out' for the kids last week night of Spring Break!


Anonymous said...

Guess what? Every Friday, we have pizza and a movie too! And I agree 100% about Little Caesar's, those "hot and ready" pizzas are NASTY. I worked at LC in the Student Union at college-do you remember Crazy Crust? Every Wednesday was 99 cents for a Personal Pan Pizza, and 99 cents for a bag of Crazy Crust. Man, I LIVED on that pizza!