Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Shopping For An Apartment, Online!!

I have a dear friend going through the "Big D". I've told her for 18 months that she needed to do this--she's married to a complete and total 'cheating jerk'!! But a break up of a marriage is not something to enter in lightly and I don't blame her at all for not getting things started right away. Her main concern right now is trying to move out of the 'family home' and get herself and her children an apartment so that they can start the school year at the school where they will be finishing the year at. But due to her dork husband dragging his feet and playing the Control game--she's stuck at home, with him and her kids are starting school at the same school as last year, but a different school than they will be in post Christmas. So I've been looking around trying to find things that will help her get out and on her own without breaking her financially. looks to be a promising start for her. This is a site that completely lets you customize what you want to see. You can look for rooms to rent, roommates and even apartments. With 2 kids she's going to want her own apartment, and she wants to stay near family--so I put in a search for 2 bedroom apartments within 10 miles of her family, with a maximum rent of $1300 per month. Now mind you, we live in the Chicago area, and $1300 per month is pretty low on the rent scale--but I got 25 hits! There are even pictures you can browse through to see if you are even interested in driving out to see the place.

She may want to pull her search in to a 5 mile radius, but I'm just amazed you can do that!