I've mentioned many times that I have a collection of Nativity Scenes going back to our first Christmas married. But I've never chronicled them---so...if you are offended by such things--look away! For those of you still looking--I've been married a decade--so this will be a long post! But again--mostly for me!

The top one I actually married into. It's about an inch tall--and it was about the only Christmas decoration we had our first year married. Christmas 1997.
The day after Christmas I headed to the mall to get the Nativity set I'd had my eye on for MONTHS---but was waiting for the price to come down. This set is

big. The tallest piece being around 6 inches tall. It's bisque white with gold accents--and it's been on the piano every year since I got it. Christmas 1998.
I now had two different style glass sets, so for 1999 I went for a wooden set that my baby could play with. I only had one baby in 1999 and he loved to carry these little wooden pieces around. I don't know what it is about the Baby

Jesus--but he's a draw for every child I've ever seen. Christmas 1999.
The most fun of any collection is when other people jump in to it. This next nativity scene was picked out and brought home as a surprise by my husband. I had already picked one out for the year, but put it aside until the next year. It's more fun when your spouse gets involved and shares your excitement in something! Christmas 2000.

This next one is the first "non-set" one. It's a snow globe with the angel up top and the stable animals around the base. I had originally had one with the city of Bethlehem around the base. On the way out the door to a Christmas party, I realized I didn't have a gift for the exchange. So I gave my snow globe intending to win it back. Sadly--I didn't, and I spent the the holiday season going from one Walmart to another trying to find another one. I never did--but walking out of the last one a couple was giving away puppies--and

we got Brownie (our shepherd/coyote mix)! Christmas 2001.
This is my favorite set to date. I found it in August in Sam's Club in Utah.

I couldn't walk away from this set--and honestly, it was not expensive at all. It looks like Lladro--and it was a fantastic deal. My mom got one too! This set actually lives in my living room year round. It has since I got it. It's just too pretty to put away! Christmas 2002.
This next one I found at Big Lots. It's nothing special--but it was unique. It's one piece, frosted on one side, shiny on the other. My favorite thing about this one -In all of the nativity

sets I've ever seen--I've never seen a dog checking out the Baby Jesus. You can see him down on the bottom right. Well, he looks like a dog to me! Christmas 2003.
This is another favorite. Again, very inexpensive--but so cool. It's three different Mikasa crystal pieces. The far left--the Wisemen. The center is the Holy Family, and the far right are the Shepherds. It's frosted glass with gold stars on each individual piece. Totally unique--and totally cool. Christmas 2004.

This next one is the stain glass piece at the bottom of the photo. My sister made one for my parents a little larger and I always loved it. Christmas 2005.
The picture above the stained glass was purchased this year. It's a Willow Tree Nativity Plaque--and I couldn't pass it up! So it counts as an extra. There are a few more extras floating through some of the photos--but those are secrets!!

This is another set purchased by someone else getting into the spirit of the collection. My sister Stephanie was sweet enough to get this middle piece. It sits on a mirror--and the frosted pieces have a hint of color to them and then glittery gold highlights. It sits on a shelf on the wall in my living room--and I love it! Christmas 2006.

Last but not least...my baby!! I bought this set over several months on Ebay this summer. I just purchased the stars a week or so ago--and it is currently on my mantle. THIS photo--isn't mine--Mine was too big to get a good photo of--so I'm using a stock photo. Because it's the set I've always wanted--and it's the most expensive set I've ever purchased---and it's number 10--I decided that this set would be the last! I don't think there is a house I will ever live in big enough to house more than 10 nativity sets with ease!
Of course, I have four sets that the kids love to play with--but that's not counted in mine--and that will come in a later post!
I loved seeing all of your nativity sets. I haven't seen most of them. But, I have to say, the picture of the ones we bought at Sams Club does not do them justice. Lm ( By the way, I forgot to put LM on the comment about Ted possibly being called a Turkey.)
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