Jake got tickets to the Bulls game tonight against the 76-rs! Grayson's favorite team! Then sometime during the day-Mr. Sweet Baby Ray gave them new tickets! 4th row behind the basket! So we tivo'd the whole game.
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I had called my parents to see if they had gotten my message about the new awesome tickets. They were watching--but we didn't know which basket they were under.
I had called my parents to see if they had gotten my message about the new awesome tickets. They were watching--but we didn't know which basket they were under.
I finally remembered that Michael had his cell phone with him-so I called him. Turns out he was right behind the 76'rs bench about 6 rows up. So I called my parents back. They asked then if they were closer to the basket or to the announcers table. So I called Michael back. They were just up from the baseline. So I told him to have the boys wave their arms wildly everytime the ball was on that side of the court.
Finally, I found them! Jakey waving like a wild man! Once I had them I called and passed the info on to Grandma and Grandpa. They got to see them from then on. When I picked the boys up, I was happy to announce that I'm sure it was the first Bulls game that their grandma had sat through, and she only sat through it for them! It must be LOVE!!
I picked them up after the game, and both boys had had the best time ever!! We think we will try to get them Globetrotter tickets for Christmas--they will love that!!
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