This is how my kids spent their day! Well, three out of the four anyway. B-man wasn't too thrilled about not being allowed to swim--but it was nap time, and I wasn't going to let him miss it. He ended up sleeping until dinner time, and then spent the remainder of the evening running around the yard and playing in the cars. This was Mother's Day at my in laws house. We got there around three in the afternoon. We brought my mother in law a beautiful hot pink flowering plant and a gift card to the Red Lobster. She and my father in law love having the freedom to go out to eat together without having to worry too much about the budget.
For my Mother's Day, the kids gave me all of the projects that they made at school. It was absolutely adorable! Mother's Day isn't necessarily a fabulous day for me. Instead of finding all of the joy that most people find in their families--I feel like a failure. I love my kids--I adore my kids--I don't enjoy my life--and that is the worst feeling of all! I should put in here--I do suffer from depression--and that has a lot to do with my feelings--in fact, I would say--it has everything to do with my feelings. I just remembered back to when I was little and would bring home my projects from school for my mom--and recaptured that excitement that my kids had.
The boys forbade me looking at the couch before they got up. They wanted it to be like Christmas and Easter for them, but for me. How cute is that? It was a really good day--I do have the best kids around--I just wish my brain could see that through the fuzz of depression!
Looks that you all had a great time.
Unfortunately the weather here is not good for pool time.
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