Well, after much planning and burning up the calculator--we've decided that it is cheaper to take the farewell party to the Chuck-Master-C! I was even looking into booking a party for 15 kids--and you know what--with their coupons--I can save about $100-so I'm game for that! We will get plenty of pizza and drinks--and tokens--the only thing different--we won't have Chuck-E there to sing to the kids--and we may have 3 different booths instead of a long birthday table. But if 15 kids in three different age groups are anything like my 3 kids--they never sit down at the same time to eat-so even that won't be a big deal. Instead of bringing gifts-we've asked that they each bring a picture of themselves for my kids Memory Books. Plus there will be tons of camera's around to capture every moment. Can you tell I feel terribly guilty about moving my kids to a new school?
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