I need to take a moment and point out one of the highlights of my day! Do you see that little puppy face over in the "Blog Catalog" section of visitors? That is Plinko--and she belongs to Lynne over at
The Sewing Mom. Yeah--it doesn't take much to be a highlight of my day--but

with a face like this little puppy--it should be able to light up most days! She's potty training now--which I'm sure causes some stress for 'puppy-mom'--but oooooh, even with the stinkiest of messes--you just have to love her! Mind you--that was spoken by a person who didn't have to clean up the mess!! But she's just a sweetheart--and it's always fun to see her little face on my sidebar! Once my 2 year old is potty trained I think I will begin looking for a Puggle of my own! Then I can stop stalking Lynne's!!
But with a face this cute---I'm not sure I'll be able to stay away!! I just want to snuggle that little girl!!
You're welcome to keep stalking Robyn! I'm just glad you recognized my avatar! For some reason I had to update it and they wouldn't accept my old one, it was too big (a picture of me!) so I went with Plinko. She's much cuter than me anyway, much nicer for other bloggers to look at! :-D
Aw, That's Brodie and Elsies cousin!
Awww, what a cute little dog. I have a friend with a puggle that is also really cute - I'm considering either one of these or a larger dog next for my gang :)
I just love that little face, Plinko puts a smile on my face each and every time I see her pretty little puppy face.
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