Friday, June 29, 2007
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Summer Dressings!!
Spring Pictures!!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Normally I am not a Paris Hilton fan-but I have to say--after watching her come out of jail--I have to say--I've never seen her look prettier, happier--all around--I liked this girl! So different than the stupid glamo-girl garbage you normally get with her. We were watching her Carls Jr. ad on TV today--and honestly--it was not only tasteless and disgusting--she looks TERRIBLE!! I hate it when she strikes her 'sexy' little pose--it isn't pretty, and I wish she could see it through the publics eyes--I guarantee she'd never strike that pose again!
I hope her 3 weeks in jail will help tone her down. Really, it's just the package that she has created and marketed for herself--I'm hoping she really will drop some of the facade that is Paris, and let us get to know the real girl--minus the 'Hot'!!
Flower Meanings!!
Monday, June 25, 2007
Guess What I'll Be Doing Next Weekend???
I'm SOOOOO Sick Of Hearing That!!
What a MORON!!
Free Photo Enlargement!!

Well--I just found out today that I get to turn in my favorite photo and--and I get a 16x20 photo enlargement back! Can you believe it?? I'm so excited--I know just the photo I want done--actually it's the only current portrait I have of all four of my kids. Since they all range in age from 9-2 the photographer took individual pictures and merged them together to create one family portrait! I'm sure you've all seen it before--it's this one...It's one of my favorite-and it is about 1 year old--but we haven't had any new pictures taken since then--so I'm thinking this will have to do!
The prices are amazingly reasonable--and I may decide to have individuals done of each child later--we'll just have to see!
Well, the last few months I've been dumbfounded by a JUDGE who's dry cleaners lost his pants---Do you remember this one?
Well--THANK HEAVENS!!! Today--brains came back "in" in the judicial system! The judge in this case ruled in favor of the plaintiffs. $67 million for a lost pair of pants--I don't care what the sign on their door says--that's ridiculous--and for wasting everyone's time-the 'pants-less' judge only has to pay the court costs of the defendants. What about the governments time hearing the stupid thing? But that may just be an argument for next time!
Friday, June 22, 2007
I'm A Thief!!
In this one year--I've started my own domain, re-designed the templates for countless blogs, have a PR3 on every blog but one with a PR2, have 4 blogs with an Alexa score under 250K, and I've inserted COUNTLESS links, video's and pictures throughout all 4 blogs--did I mention I didn't have much to say??
Well, yesterday I learned how to hotlink! Yep--I have no idea what it does, or what the consequences are--but hotlink I did!! Wow, watch out Bill Gates--I'm learnin' all your secrets!!
Thursday, June 21, 2007

Well, I did it--I know, I know--you all never thought it would be possible! I set up a new blog! Yes, that was tongue in cheek, since I already have 4 blogs going!! But this one is just for me! This one is Scalehopper and as the name implies--it's my weightloss blog--or my attempt to get healthy blog! On it there are two little lily pad tickers--one for poundage and one for miles I want to walk on my treadmill. My goal is currently set at 1500 miles. That may seem like a lot--but it is the number of miles from Chicago to Utah--so basically--I'm walking home!! My hope--by eating better or smarter-and using my handy dandy treadmill--I should be able to reach some of my goals! I have a vacation coming up at a camp ground in Wisconsin with an amazing waterpark---so donning a bathing suit will be required--mind you--I do this already--but am disgusted by what I see-so my goal is that by the time we head to Jellystone Park--I will be 10 pounds lighter!! We'll see how that goes!
If anyone would like to join me--either in just a diet/exercise blogroll--or some helpful tips or ideas--let me know!! What worked for you??
I did buy the domain maybe someday I'll get that worked up to having a forum or something on it--but right now--it's all about me--baby! Just kidding!!
I just read about a Utah boy who was dragged out of his tent by his sleeping bag by a Black Bear. His body was found later, he had been mauled to death. What is that?? I won't go camping and sleep in tents anyway--there was a family camping and their tent was sliced open at the bottom and one of their kids pulled out by some child molester and killed. Now we aren't just worried about people--we are worried about bears carrying off our young! It's just a tragic story for the family I'm sure! Cabins or RV's for me--never again will I be in a tent!!
I've never liked camping anyway--sleeping in a sleeping bag--tents--no where to sit, bugs--dirt! The only thing even likeable are the marshmallows!! And even they aren't worth all of the above yucky stuff--especially when I discovered I can roast them any time I want over my gas stove!!
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Lobster Man!!
Today at Summer Camp all of the kids are going bowling. Jake's group is going from 10 until noon--and then after--will most likely head to the swimming pool for the rest of the afternoon. I let his counselor know that Jake was not to go to the pool, and so if they are going he will call me, and I will go pick him up.
He's been glistening in aloe vera since we got him home last night-and it will probably continue for several more days!
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Growing Old!!
Saturday, June 16, 2007
My New Subdivision!!
I realized that as much as I love this house--I was also really loving the neighborhood, location and church proximity of the subdivision. So I went in to my real estate website and just searched for homes in that exact area. Four came up that I would like to see. I still want "the one", but if by chance we lose it--I have a second favorite and even a third that looks amazing--so I'm a little less stressed to get over there and see it RIGHT NOW! As soon as we see them all on Monday or Tuesday--I'll put pictures up of the one we would like to make an offer on!
Moral: Play Dirty---Win Trophy!! L.A.M.E!!
I didn't have a stake in either team in this years NBA Finals--I don't know anyone on either team--so it isn't sour grapes. But when the "Thugs" of San Antonio brought 'Street Ball' to the NBA playoffs--they should have been booted! I finally forced my kids to turn the TV off in game 2, it was so bad, and so dirty, and so one sided by the blind refs--that it had to go! Let me tell you-I was not a "favorite" person at that time--but if my kids were ever to pull one of the stunts that was allowed over and over by the coaching staff and ref's--my kids would be banned from the game of basketball until they were out of my house as adults! Elbows, tripping, rough fouls--one word----RIDICULOUS!!!
So I guess the Spurs won the trophy--but if this is what it takes to win it---I won't be watching the NBA anymore!!
Friday, June 15, 2007
A Little Catch Up!!
We are still looking for a house. I've blogged here and there about the home I had wanted and the problems with it--and now I have one that I drove by yesterday--and I'M ACHING for it!! Mind you--we haven't been in it yet--and that may all change--but it is actually in an area I would want to live--and the school my kids would go to scores higher than the state average in Math and Reading. So it really looks like a great school. I need to have my husband start bringing home boxes from work. After I showed the kids the house yesterday-they wanted to come home and start packing! We are going to see it on Tuesday, unless I can talk my husband into Monday. I told him I'm ready to go camp out on the lawn and tell 'buyers' that there were terrible things in the house--like a Meth Lab in the basement--just to keep them away from MY house!!
On my treadmill, my goal is to walk to Utah. 1500 miles! I've gone 5 miles so far--I know--not great--but I'm working on setting up a routine--I walk for 10 minutes on one speed, bump it up to the next one for 10 minutes, bump it up to the next one for 5 minutes of "heart" work and then I drop it down to the second setting for a 5 minute cool down. It's a 30 minute power walk--and although I would love to be able to walk longer--at the moment--it's all I can do! In that 30 minutes it burns over 200 calories, and I get 1.5 miles under my belt. After the routine, comes the habit. Setting the goal is one thing, but to actually work on it until the habit is formed--is quite another. Two mornings ago I walked my routine as soon as I got home from taking the kids to school. Then yesterday was the $700 day at PPP, and I sat in front of the computer until I had to go pick the kids up. We went straight out for errands, and I got home just before 9 pm. So I put the kids to bed, turned on my new movie--and I walked. It may not have been at the same time of the day--but I was happy to get it in! I'm never the 'follow through' gal--and I hate that!
Yesterday was my sister in law's birthday. She's 34 years old-she posted about getting old but still feeling young. I know exactly what she means--I think we all do. I still feel like that shy girl in the corner, and in many ways I'm still that girl. We have lived in this house for almost 5 years. The longest we've ever lived as a married couple. And I know the neighbor 2 doors down really well, the children 2 doors down from her, the people between them only slightly--the next house just barely--and then the people at the end of the street a little better. Other than that--I don't know a soul in this neighborhood. Growing up all of the people that went to my church lived on our street. You had neighbors that you knew from church and school and they were just a built in community. Here the next closest member of my church is 2 miles away! My kids have their friends, but I really only have the one--plus a couple of other nice friendly acquaintances. The one thing that is amazing--my Blakelynn was born when Jake was in Miss Linda's pre-school class. She remembers when Blakelynn was born. This year, Blake was in Miss Linda's class--and it was so fun to have a teacher that remembered you when you were born! Those are roots--but sadly--about the only ones that we have in this area. I'm just too freaking shy to relax and get to know people! Bad ME!!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Summer So Far!!
Monday, June 11, 2007
End Of The Year Traditions!! (repeat)

Every year at the beginning of the school year I take my kid's picture out in front of the house. Then at the end of the year they wear the same shirt as the first day for their picture in front of the house. This way you can see the growth they've made in one year.

Grayson had some anxiety problems as the school year drew closer. He was a little intimidated by the thought of a new school and 1st grade-we had a couple of really sad attacks--but after the first day of school--the anxiety was a thing of the past. He loved school the entire year!
What handsome boys!
Thursday, June 07, 2007
I bought me the movie Music & Lyrics. I rented it last weekend from the kiosk at the grocery store--It really was a very cute movie-so I bought it! Give me a good romantic comedy anyday! I Tivo'd The Vacation the same day. It has Jude Law and Cameron Diaz in it--and it was great too. I will be purchasing the DVD for that one as well. There are so many right now that I want to see--I think Pay Per View is the way to go. Then I can watch the movies while I walk on the treadmill or straighten the house--it's my favorite thing to do. Also, to fold clothes and watch a great movie is ideal in my mind as well!!
NBA Finals!!

Tonight the Finals begin for the NBA. It's a school night, but my boys have BEGGED to stay up and watch it. They actually only have 1 hour of school tomorrow--so they should be fine-otherwise, I will Tivo it and they can watch it when they finish their 1 hour last day of school. We are voting for the Cleveland Cavaliers. Why?? Because the Spurs play dirty--and as much as I'm not a big Lebron James fan--my kids are--so that's why! All three of my teams got out--Bulls to the Pistons, and the Jazz and the Suns both to the Spurs--so really there is nothing in it for me--except listening to the cheers and jeers of my 7 year old and my 9 year old!
Three Days??

My nephew went back to jail for the same thing--violating his probation--it's been nearly 30 days, and he's still there. No mysterious medical condition to send him home for house arrest, no millions to pay to cut the sentence in half--my oh my, this is just disgusting!!
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
It's Stayin' In America!!

Yes, Ladies and Gentlemen---Sorry Canada--but Lord Stanley's Cup is taking the ice in just a moment! This is one of the single coolest moments in sports--any sport--the Stanley Cup is magic. It's carries the names of every man who has ever won it--it IS Hockey!!
I'm not an Anaheim Duck fan--never have been--and again Canada--I apologize--but when it's my country against any other--I vote for my country! We are Chicago Blackhawk and Phoenix Coyote fans in this house--and so it's nice to see some of the players that have played for the teams that we've seen--Go Ducks!!
Congrats to the Neidemyer brothers--how awesome was that handoff--one brother to another--is that a first in hockey history? When I was a single lady--my friend and I were walking across the street from work, when out of the back of some truck--came the Turner Cup. The Utah Grizzlies had won the Turner Cup--and it was being taken to a bar to celebrate. My husband is tremendously jealous that I've touched the Turner Cup--it actually didn't mean much at the moment. But it soooooo would be awesome now!
Did you know there was a "Keeper Of The Cup"? A man actually has the job to travel with the Stanley Cup. Each person on the winning team get to spend 24 hours with the cup. They can do anything they want to with it--but with it--comes the Keeper. I'm not sure he stays at the Players house--but he is supposed to be with the cup at all times. My husband's friend John used to be the General Manager of Air Canada. The Cup was sent down through security, and away from the Keeper. We have a picture of John with the cup hoisted above his head, making off with it! I think I'll need to find that photo and post it too!
Senators--congrats for making it--and like our Bears losing the Superbowl--we really do know how you feel!!
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Med-evac Plane Down In Lake Michigan!!
There is a debris field, and there are many boats out searching for survivors along side the Coast Guard. Aside from survivors it is also a recovery mission for those who didn't make it!
It's just tragic!
William Jefferson!!
Sports Memorabilia Convention!!
Tyrus Thomas will be in the house, although you have to pay $50 for his autograph. I'm thinking I can guarantee we won't be getting that one. We have an NBA Bulls basketball and currently there are three autographs on it. #7-Ben Gordon, #21-Chris Duhon, and retired Bulls Great-Bob Love. It would be nice to get Thomas added to the ball--but not for that much money--that's ridiculous!
I'll have to let you know what new treasures have been added to our Sports Memorabilia arsenal on Monday!!
Monday, June 04, 2007
Property Tax!!
Field Day!!
I drove them by the house I want to buy yesterday evening--and then over to the school that they would go to. They were so excited. Jake asked if we could move in next Friday. It's thrilling that he's excited because he's the one that hasn't wanted to move at all, but we got him over! I think the idea of his own room is finally setting in!
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Sun Logo!!

Saturday, June 02, 2007
Tree Lined!!
The home that I would like to purchase has three HUGE tree's in the front yard. They aren't necessarily the reason for buying that home--but they certainly don't hurt!
Friday, June 01, 2007
End Of The Year Concert!!
Yesterday was the boys end of the year concert. It started at 1 pm, and amazingly enough--dad had the day off and got to join us. It was really cute. Jake had asked weeks ago if he could be excused from being in the concert. After they were finished--he thought it was a lot of fun. Grayson is in the top picture. He really didn't feel good, but didn't want to miss his concert. He actually made it through the whole day of school. Jake is in the bottom picture playing his recorder.
Grayson's class sang 3 patriotic songs, and Jake's class sang 3 songs and played their recorders for 1 song. Then at the end the entire school got together for a grand finale. It was their last concert at this school, next year they will be in a new school with new friends--I'm really excited for them!