Friday, December 29, 2006
But 1 week down--and 1 to go! I hope we survive it!! It reminds me of the line in the Christmas carol--It's beginning to look alot like Christmas--where it says "And Mom and Dad can hardly wait for school to start again!" OH, that is so sadly ME!! Bad Mom!!! Bad Mom!!
Hopefully today will be better! I'll have to let you know!
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Blake's Magic Reindeer Food!!
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Santa Came!!
Saturday, December 23, 2006
I Got Published Today!!
I won $50 for it to go along with the Postie Patrol cash--yep, I'm a very blessed woman this Christmas!!
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
What A Day!!
Today was "A DAY"!! It all hit me around noon about the myriad of things I have to do and make, and take, and wrap, and give, and get, and ...!!! All by Monday! On top of it--tonight was scouts! A third try for my Jake to get his Wolf, his arrow points, everything!!! And worst of all--the church is 45 minutes from my house!! So we drive all the way over--My baby dressed and ready for the color guard...Whoops!!! Den mother in a car accident-recuperating at home--NO SCOUTS TONIGHT!!! I wonder if he'll ever get his Wolf Rank!!
So we drove the 45 minutes home!!! And here I sit!!! But it feels good! Tomorrow I will be running around like a crazy lady again--but right now!!! I'm Golden!!
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Remember The Trees!!
Do you remember several posts ago there is a picture of Barrett with his face and hair covered in green paint from Jake painting his Christmas tree? We went to the mall Saturday to take the pictures of the boys Christmas Trees.
I finally found Graysons tree and took several photo's for him, and even one with him under it! Now I just had to search for Jake's. OH MY GOSH!!! It took forever. I was ready to give up, when D'OH!!!! It's hung right next to Graysons. In fact in the picture (just of Grayson's tree) you can see Jake's tree is right in front of it--but I totally missed it! What a dork!!
<--Grayson's tree is the red striped one-Jake's is right in front of it!
Both Boys Trees!!
Monday, December 18, 2006
Basektball Begins!!
This past Saturday was their second game and they played the Suns. Immediately I noticed the same height differential--and therefore thought we were in for a beating as well. But they came out and they looked great. They even scored first! The other team pulled ahead, but we managed to tie it at 8 for most of the game. In the final minutes there was a foul shot made and 1 extra basket--so we lost by 3--but I'm telling you--they looked amazing compared to last week!
Jake had a couple of great steals, some fabulous rebounds, and even did what he has never done before--he took a shot! Sadly--one of the taller kids on the other team was towering over him--so it didn't go far--but he took it! I was thrilled for him! They are getting a hoop from Santa and we are going to get it set up in the garage--out of the elements so they can practice shooting! I'm excited for them!!
Sunday, December 17, 2006
English Test!!
Way to go! You know not to trust the MS Grammar Check and you know "no" from "know." Now, go forth and spread the good word (or at least, the proper use of apostrophes).
Are You Gooder at Grammar?
Make a Quiz
Apostrophes are tricky when you take them for granted!!
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Last Of The Shopping!!
I picked up "Screen It". The DVD game. It always looks so fun-but there isn't anyone else in this house that has as "trivial knowledgable" brain as me!! So it wouldn't be fair! I got them the one that goes with Nick cartoons. Heavens-even Blake should be able to answer those!!
Friday, December 15, 2006
Daddy takes the boys to Monster Trucks and Bulls games--he hasn't really taken Blake anywhere. So he asked if I would pick up tickets for him to take his little girl out on a special daddy date!! HECK YEAH, BUDDY!! She would love it! So I just bought them both VIP tickets to see Diego.
We have given "Experience" gifts this year for birthdays and Christmas. Grayson went to the Monster Trucks for his "Date with Dad", Jake went to the Bulls game last week for his--these were their birthday gifts. For Christmas they are getting Harlem Globetrotter tickets, and now Blakelynn is getting her date with dad too! I'm so excited for her!!
Our Iron!!
His alarm clock is his cell phone--and he left it on vibrate. Not much waking up happening when all the alarm clock does is rattle on the dresser! So he pulled out his Chef coat--it needed ironing--but he didn't have time. He jumped in the shower, and I pulled out the iron to surprise him!
Well--sadly--it's on the fritz!! It's our best iron ever, but I guess with four kids it's hit the floor 1 too many times! I turned it on and the reset light wouldn't turn off--but I perservered! I began ironing--the jacket looking good-until the iron decided to dump it's load of water all in one fail swoop! I managed to get it away from the jacket before it dumped too much--but there was definantly a wet spot! A big one! OOOOOHHHHHHHH not today!! But then, hey, female brain kicked in (I wish it was on everyday). I dumped out the rest of the water--dried up the ironing board and as much of the jacket as I could, and then just dry ironed the spot. Normally this causes scorching--which would be bad--but luckily, everything worked out ok, and Hubby headed to work in a nice pressed (DRY) jacket! And later, I get to head to Walgreens for a new iron! (Yes, Walgreens--it was the cheapest iron I've ever purchased--and so far the best!!)
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Last Day Of Franklin Park Preschool!!
Where did you get that little red nose?
Little red nose Little red nose
Where did you get that little red nose?
Jack Frost kissed it, I supose
He kissed it once, and he kissed it twice
Poor little nose, as cold as ice!!
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Lunch Tomorrow!!
We should be getting our new cell phones tomorrow--so that will be so nice for my husband! His has been dead for the last couple of weeks and he's been using mine! He hates it--so, starting tomorrow, he should be a happy man!
I hope it's a camera phone! I'll have to let you know!!
Monday, December 11, 2006
One Of My "Hits"!!
I love the "Catfeesh" video--which we have seen enough times that my kids can literally "lip sync" to Tedd-er-Antonio's speech. What's even cooler about the blog and the "Catfeesh Craze"--the video we made creating our own "Catfeesh" is the third video on the blog. Yep, the kid with the panty hose over his head-transforming into a fish, and then disco dancing--That's ours!!
Last Thursday, when I was with Ted and Britt, they asked if I read the Blog. I have to tell you ---- What a relief to say, "Yes", and be totally honest! Of course, I would have said yes, even if I hadn't known they existed--but this way I could back it up with some intelligent conversation about it! My 9 year old was ecstatic about getting to meet the "Catfish man" as he calls him--all thanks to a Blog!
I get on and check the blog daily. I used it as a research tool to see what the heck a Patrol was about and what I may be in for--sorry--I can say nothing more than---it was a fun thing to watch--but nothing like the 2 Patrols that were blogged about! I think it's a great blog--and a great way to keep up to date with the news, video's and all around Fun!
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Birthday Cake!!
Grandma's House!!
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Birthday Dinner!!
Not at the Lonestar. We had two birthday's and out they came chanting and clapping with two HUGE plates of cake and ice cream (complimentary) . The kids were soooooo surpised, infact Blakelynn started clapping along with them until they put the plate in front of her. Then she became to excited that they were clapping for "HER" that her mouth dropped, her eyes got huge, and she just stared at all of us--in shock! Where was my camera for that!!!
Thank you Lonestar---You are the BEST!!

Happy Blogging!!
Friday, December 08, 2006
I need to head to the mall to get pictures of the boys Christmas Trees they decorated for school back on November 1st, and I need to head to the Hallmark store to get Blakelynn her #4 doll since she normally gets that for her birthday. She also normally gets a porcelain doll, but she got 2 last year (Jingle and Bells-from Marie Osmonds collection) so I was just going to count one of them as this years doll. But my mother in law has found a really cute one she'd like to give Blakelynn for Christmas.
I think I will just order a pizza--find a pay per view movie for Family Movie Night for the kids, hit a HOT, HOT bathtub--snuggle down in some toasty jammies--take my anti-depressant--and shop online! That's the sadness of depression--there is no desire to go anywhere or meet anyone--when in reality--just the getting out enhances the mood so much. But it's FREEZING here!! So I think we'll stay in.
Jake starts basketball tomorrow--Michael will miss it. He's tied up at the restaurant--but he should at least be home a bit early. I've asked my mother in law to watch the monsters so that I can take my husband to a nice dinner for a "Christmas Date"! We dont' get a lot of "us" time--so tomorrow night it is! Since he doesn't read this--I'll tell you--I'm taking him to a Japanese Steakhouse. He loves sushi and sake and I love anything Japanese. So that should be nice!
Well, I'm off to call Domino's and find my Zoloft--have a great Friday night everyone!!
Last Day Of Preschool!!
I've spent the morning in the kitchen whipping up more of the secret sauces for gifts for her teachers. Sadly, I burned my tongue on the hot carmel sauce--but trust me--totally worth it! They say you are supposed to put sugar on your tongue when you burn it--so I keep re-applying. It's still "dead", but it isn't that irritating feeling you get when you normally burn your tongue. Go Sugar!!
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Da' Bulls!!
I had called my parents to see if they had gotten my message about the new awesome tickets. They were watching--but we didn't know which basket they were under.
4 Years Ago--Part 2!!
So, the doctor finally gets there and is ready to break my water. I've always heard that contractions get stronger once the water is broken. I was writhing in pain at this point and told my husband that I was pushing this baby out as soon as he broke my water--and I didn't care if the doctor was in the room or not--I couldn't take the thought of one more minute of agony! He breaks my water, and yep, I start to push as hard as I can without letting anyone see what I'm doing! Mind you--it's baby number three--I'm a PRO!! He's asked that since there are students in the hospital that day--could he have them stand in to witness. I told him I didn't care who was there as long as we get this thing outta me!!
I'm still secretly pushing, and making great progress--I can tell you!! He comes back in wearing his space suit, and turns his back to me to address the students. I can feel baby is coming NOW!! So after telling my husband to get down there and catch our daughter--I finally interrupted his lecture and let him know that she's here, and what does the IMBISIL do? He cups his hand over her head--and holds her in! Excuse me? I'm pushing as hard as I can to get this over with, and he's holding her in! I turned to Michael and I said, "Is he holding her in?" On the video you can hear how totally "snarky" I sound, and my husband's bad answer--"Yep!"
He finally lets her out, and they take her to the warmer. We are waiting and waiting and waiting--and nothing!! I asked if they were sure she was ok, and just then she let out this really cute, really sweet, 100% little girly squeak! Blakelynn Kate was here! After 5 years of waiting and wanting a baby girl--I finally had her! She was amazingly beautiful--almost looked like an American Indian with her dark brown skin and helmet of thick black hair! She is my only child that didn't go blond. She is a brunette, blue eyed beauty!!
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
4 Years Ago--Part 1!!
Four years ago my parents were driving our new van across the country to us! We had used the money from the sale of our house in Phoenix to buy a mini van outright to hold our growing lot! I was originally just wanting to go in and buy a van off the showroom floor-but I was raised by Dale Sansom-and you just don't do that! So I decided to start looking around for used vans. My dad is the car shopping KING--it's one of his favorite hobbies-so we put him to work for us.
He found a really nice silver Caravan, and drove it 3 days across the country to us. I had a doctors appointment the morning they arrived and I was hoping to get him to induce me. All I told him that I was seeing stars, and that did the trick. He called over to the hospital and made an appointment for me to go in that day.
I headed home, called the child care, left a message with the front desk at my parents hotel, and we headed off to Denny's! Yep, you heard that right! My last baby had been induced, and there are pictures of me eating a turkey sandwich holding a minutes old baby! That wasn't going to happen again! I had the Lumberjack Special--and yes, it was HUGE!!!
After lunch, we headed back to drop the kids off at home and then on to the hospital! Just as we were going across the parking lot, I saw a silver Mini Van turn into the parking lot--my parents had arrived! My mom was hoping that I was already in the hospital and half way through--she wasn't happy to see me outside, completely monitor free!
We headed in to start the induction, and they decided to go the slow route through the night. Not a happy me--it was early--and I wanted this baby out!! As it grew later, the child care called and asked if they could take my two boys to her parents house for the night. I don't remember why--but I wasn't comfortable with that at the time, so my mom went over to stay the night with my kids until the morning!
It was a long------painful-------sleepless night!!!
To Be Continued...
Bulls Game!!

Monday, December 04, 2006
Sinful Sauce!!
You see, the sauces are in decorative mason jars--but that is soooooooooooooooooo not Christmassy enough to give as a hostess gift! But I thought if they were on top of each other in a cute wine tote--that would be cuter!! I'll let you know what I find!!
Oh and if you want the recipe for the sinful sauces (Carmel and Hot Fudge) just let me know and I will send them to you!!
Secret Phone Calls!!
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Birthday Treats!!
Toys R Us!!
I went in to Toys R Us looking for several items. It was snowing outside and FREEZING. Barrett has to be held--so instead of carrying him and my big ol' purse--I just took my debit card. We wandered the aisles after finding what we needed browsing for some fun Christmas ideas and birthday ideas for Blakelynn. We get up to the front and there are batteries-which I need. I went to get them and they were $6.50. Amazingly high priced! The exact same pack (with the superman flashlight) are sold at the local grocery store for $4.40. So the cost is much higher-but I was willing to pay it because, in the snow, I didn't want to go anywhere else.
So we get up to the front counter and this teenager starts swiping my items. When I go to swipe my card--she literally whips the debit/credit card machine out of my hands. "I have to see you ID, before you can use this." What??? Never have I had to do that here before. So I explain--Snow--heavy baby--bulky purse--just debit card and PIN number. Nope--not good enough. She wants me to take my 4 kids-babe in arms-and walk back out into the snow, all the way to my car, get my ID, and walk back to the store through the snow with 4 kids and babe in arms!
I told her that if I was leaving the store to get anything--I wouldn't be coming back. And she was all, "Well, that's up to you, but you can't use a credit card here without it!" Yeah, Yeah, Yeah!!
So we walked out--drove up to Target, grabbed the same items (plus, cheaper pack of same batteries) and walked out with a $25.00 less bill than it was at Toys R US, and I didn't have some dumb teenager calling me a theif until I proved that I wasn't!!!
Yeah Target!!! I used my debit card and PIN, and I saved the cash--I should have just gone there to begin with! I will from now on!
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Saying Goodbye!!
It was kind of sad. My little Grayson adores his Uncle Mark--and will take the separation the hardest! Uncle Mark made each child his famous milkshake--and then gave them each 2 lollypops--way to go out the hero Uncle Mark!!
Friday, December 01, 2006

Yep--It's official! Winter has come to the Windy City! I woke up this morning hoping that the schools would be closed. Not because I want my kids home all day going stir crazy--but because I didn't want to get them to school. We don't really live close enough to the school to walk--and I didn't want to take my car out in this! Or, quite honestly, didn't think I could get my car out!
It took some trying, and having to back up a couple of times to avoid sliding into the parked car in front of me--but we managed to get out of our parking spot. I decided to stay on the major roads to get to the school, which I'm just happy that there are major roads to do that with!
By the time I got home--it had taken about 20 minutes to get to school (less than a mile a way) and back! I don't plan on taking Blake to her class today--I'm hoping they will call and cancel!